急流瀑布 Cataratas de Agua Azul;西班牙語原意是藍水瀑布 Blue-water Falls;位於帕倫克 Palenque南側約 70公里處,聯絡帕倫克及 San Cristóbal de las Casas的公路經過本地。
急流瀑布 Cataratas de Agua Azul是由一連串經過礦石沉積,鈣化而成的急流組成,急流高低落差可達 6 公尺。
由停車場開始都有觀賞步道,步道沿著急流往上游延伸大約 1.5 公里,之後逐漸進入疏疏落落的民宅區,這裡水流平緩,水深及膝,夏日期間是戲水的好地點。
The Cataratas de Agua Azul (Spanish for "Blue-water Falls") are located in the Municipality of Tumbalá, 69 kilometers from Palenque by the road that leads towards San Cristóbal de las Casas.
This waterfall consists of many cataracts following one after another. The larger cataracts may be as high as 6 meters (20 feet) or so.
The water has a high mineral content. Where it falls on rocks or fallen trees it encases them in a thick shell-like coating of limestone. Some fully coated log shapes can also be seen inside the fall, as well as coating on the rocks.
Information Source :
學習西班牙語 San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala 瓜地馬拉